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Home » Resources » Insurance and Billing


Insurance and Billing

Although every physician participates with different insurance plans, it is the goal of this organization to work with patients on all facets of their care, including their billing and insurance information.

Insurance information will be verified before appointments, and insurance claims related to individual doctors’ participation will be submitted for an assignment. We will supply any paperwork necessary to claim reimbursement for services that require direct payment. Coverage of lab work, pathology, and anesthesiology services will vary between insurance companies. As per organizational policy, up-front expenses as a result of co-pays, deductibles, co-insurance, etc. will become the sole responsibility of the patient.

Insurance and Billing

Schedule an Appointment

At Burlington County Endoscopy Center, with our office located in Lumberton, NJ, the physicians are experienced in diagnosing and treating a variety of gastrointestinal issues. For expert care and to schedule an appointment, please call the Providers Office. The office is Gastroenterology Consultants of South Jersey, phone number to call is 609-265-1700
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