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Procedure Overview – Points to Remember

If you have a fever, cold, or bad cough with phlegm in the days before the procedure or if you use Oxygen all the time, call Gastroenterology Consultants of South Jersey at  (609) 267-1555 as your procedure may need to rescheduled.

 If there is a sudden change in your medical health since last being seen in the office or since talking to the office to schedule your procedure, please call (609) 267-1555.

If you have any questions regarding your medications prior to the procedure, please contact our office at (609) 267-1555.

For All Procedures:

  • One Week before your test: Reread your Procedure Instructions and follow any written instructions about changes in your medicines.

The Day Before:

  • If you are having a colonoscopy, you must be on clear liquids the WHOLE day before the test.


Do NOT Eat or Drink ANYTHING the day of the test, except a small sip of water to take your morning medicines up to 4 hours before the test. DO NOT CHEW GUM, HARD CANDY, or SMOKE.

  1. You should have been given special instructions about your diabetic pills, insulin, aspirin, arthritis medicines, plavix, Coumadin, vitamins, and diuretics (water pills) {If you take any of these}.
  2. You should take ALL Inhalers right up to the time of the test.
  3. Bring a current list of meds and doses with you.
  4. Bring a ride. If you do not have a ride home, the procedure will be cancelled.
  5. Your Drivers must be prepared to stay at the Center until you are ready for discharge.
  6. Bring a list of any Doctors you want a copy of your procedure reports sent to.
  7. Arrive at or before your appointment time as it will take 45 minutes to fill out the paper work and be interviewed by the Nurse and Anesthesia Staff.
  8. Leave all jewelry and valuables at home. This does not mean your insurance cards or your eyeglasses. The Endoscopy Center cannot take responsibility for safeguarding your personal items.
  9. Please leave your cell phone at home, or you will be asked to leave it with your driver until your procedure is complete.
  10. Please make arrangements for childcare in advance. The Burlington County Endoscopy Center reception area and recovery room area are not designed to accommodate small children.
  11. It is very important for us to know if you have any medication allergies; or other allergies especially to rubber (latex), eggs, or soy.
  12. All guardian and/or Power of Attorney documents must be reviewed prior to the procedure.

What will happen just before the test?

  1. You will sign a consent form for the test and the anesthesia.. The anesthesiologist will ask you medical questions to ensure it is safe to give you the anesthesia.
  2. You will be asked to change into a hospital gown.
  3. An intravenous (IV) line will be started in your arm.
  4. You will be asked to remove your glasses, contact lenses, dentures, and jewelry. We ask you to leave your jewelry and cell phone at home.

After the Exam

  1. After the examination you will be transported into the recovery room to rest allowing the anesthesia medicine to wear off. Again, you may feel bloated because of the air used during the procedure and will be encouraged to pass this air as this will help make you more comfortable.
  2. You will usually be in the recovery area for 30 minutes.
  3. The doctor will review the test results with you in the recovery area before you are discharged.
  4. You will be given discharge instructions before you leave.
  5. If you have had a polyp removed, we ask you not to leave town for at least 24 hours so that if there are any problems such as severe pain, nausea, vomiting, or bleeding, we can immediately respond to help you.
  6. We cannot allow you to drive, or take a Bus, Taxi, Uber or Lyft home.
  7. If, in the next 24 hours you experience any of the following,  prolonged or severe abdominal discomfort, fever, tenderness or significant bleeding, you must contact the Burlington County Endoscopy Center at (609) 267-1555 during business hours which are 8AM to 4:30PM.  AFTER HOURS a doctor from our Practice is available 24 hours a day at (609) 265-1700. If for any reason you are unable to reach the doctor (within 15 minutes for serious problems), go to the nearest Emergency Room (Virtua Memorial Hospital 609-267-0700).
  8. If you had a colonoscopy your colon has been cleaned out for the procedure so do not expect to have a normal bowel movement for at least 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. Your first bowel movement may be diarrhea or a loose stool.

Biopsy or Test Results:

  • Biopsy or other tests results are usually available in 2 to 3 weeks. You will be sent the test results by mail or may be contacted by phone from someone in the Gastroenterolgy Consults of South Jersey office. If you have not heard from us about your test results in 2 to 3 weeks, then please call our office at 609-265-1700.

There will be a $50.00 Cancellation fee charged directly to you if the exam is cancelled less than 72 hours from the date of the exam.

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